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Direct Method

Publicado por Rosty2010 | 0:31 | 0 comentarios »

The direct method of teaching was developed as a response to the Grammar-Translation method. It is a method that refrains from using the learners' native language and just uses the target language also operates on the idea that second language learning must be an imitation of first language learning, as this is the natural way humans learn any language. One of the principal characteristics, of this method is to make great stress on correct pronunciation and the target language from outset. As well, all teaching is done in the target language, grammar is taught inductively, and there is a focus on speaking and listening through vocabulary given by the teacher and the answers by students. Add the use of disconnected sentences is replaced by the use of connected texts. The weakness in the Direct Method is its assumption that a second language can be learnt in exactly the same way as a first, when in fact the conditions under which a second language is learnt are very different.

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